
Program Guide:

Program Guide
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Time 05/24/2020 05/25/2020 05/26/2020 05/27/2020 05/28/2020 05/29/2020 05/30/2020 05/31/2020
12:00:00 AM
Budget Hearings R 782_
Budget Hearings R 782_200515_Morning Session
3 hours and 50 minutes
City Council R 265_
City Council R 265_200519
5 hours and 18 minutes
12:30:00 AM
True House 346_
True House 346_200430_Wait on God
29 minutes
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
01:00:00 AM
01:30:00 AM
02:00:00 AM
02:30:00 AM
03:00:00 AM
03:30:00 AM
Budget Hearings R 782_
Budget Hearings R 782_200515_Afternoon Session
1 hour and 8 minutes
04:00:00 AM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
04:30:00 AM
Beer Brd R 293_
Beer Brd R 293_200519
23 minutes
City Council R 265_
City Council R 265_200519
5 hours and 18 minutes
05:00:00 AM
05:30:00 AM
06:00:00 AM
Treasure Hunt 4143_
Treasure Hunt 4143_200428_Rowlett Pet Barrier
30 seconds
Scoop Day 4150

1 minute

06:30:00 AM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
Pivotal Point 1681_
Pivotal Point 1681_200518_25
29 minutes
Treasure Hunt 4143_
Treasure Hunt 4143_200428_Rowlett Pet Barrier
30 seconds
07:00:00 AM
TPOe 420_
TPOe 420_200422
52 minutes
07:30:00 AM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
08:00:00 AM
Knox County Health Dept R 4192_
Knox County Health Dept R 4192_200522_Coronavirus Update
24 minutes
Scoop Day 4150

1 minute

08:30:00 AM
Hist Zoning R 417_
Hist Zoning R 417_200521
1 hour and 58 minutes
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
09:00:00 AM
G Project 4025

10 minutes

Scoop Day 4150

1 minute

Scoop Day 4150

1 minute

Zoo Knoxville 4134

1 minute

Scoop Day 4150

1 minute

CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
Public Officer L 1743

1 hour and 45 minutes

School Board
2 hours
G Project
29 minutes
09:30:00 AM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
Aging Advan 957_
Aging Advan 957_200424_Senior Calls
11 minutes
10:00:00 AM
St Johns L 57

2 hours

St Johns L 57

1 hour


1 hour and 53 minutes

Planning L 248

1 hour and 45 minutes

St Johns L 57

2 hours

10:30:00 AM
St Johns L 57

1 hour and 25 minutes

Serving Knoxville 4039

10 minutes

In the Neighborhood
190530_Seqouyah Hills_Rene
1 minute
11:00:00 AM
Knox Kaleidoscope 4174

1 minute

I Am Knoxville
11 minutes
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
Ministries Motion 4138

8 minutes

Beer Brd R 293_
Beer Brd R 293_200519
23 minutes
11:30:00 AM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
Honored Service
190524_Domenick Puccio E1
16 minutes
12:00:00 PM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
Holy Sanctified
59 minutes
This Ability 4155_200205_Eunice

14 minutes

Behind Curtain 4145_
Behind Curtain 4145_200413_Mabry Hazen 04
14 minutes
City Council R 265_
City Council R 265_200519
5 hours and 18 minutes
Pivotal Point 1681_
Pivotal Point 1681_200518_26
29 minutes
12:30:00 PM
The Producer 1705

6 minutes

Knoxville Splice 1363

5 minutes

CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
01:00:00 PM
Knox Co Mayor Readings 4199_
Knox Co Mayor Readings 4199_200507_04
10 minutes
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
BZA L 1201_
BZA L 1201_200527
2 hours and 5 minutes
Knox Kaleidoscope
30 minutes
01:30:00 PM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
02:00:00 PM
What’s Going On
29 minutes
True House 346_
True House 346_200430_Wait on God
29 minutes
29 minutes
02:30:00 PM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
KTA L 398

2 hours and 45 minutes

03:00:00 PM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
03:30:00 PM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
Co Com L 247_
Co Com L 247_200526_Beer Board
1 hour
04:00:00 PM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
04:30:00 PM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
Co Com L 247_
Co Com L 247_200526_Business
2 hours
05:00:00 PM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
58 minutes
05:30:00 PM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
06:00:00 PM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
Knox Co Mayor Readings 4199_
Knox Co Mayor Readings 4199_200507_05
3 minutes
06:30:00 PM
Co Com L 247_
Co Com L 247_200526_Zoning
3 hours and 35 minutes
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
One on One L 1156

29 minutes

Serving Knoxville 4039

7 minutes

In the Neighborhood
190530_Seqouyah Hills_Rene
1 minute
07:00:00 PM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
Pol Knox L 50

29 minutes

I Am Knoxville
11 minutes
07:30:00 PM
Wrestling Around with Dave Jones
29 minutes
Scoop Day 4150

1 minute

CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
DTV L 26

29 minutes

Honored Service
14 minutes
08:00:00 PM
Sign Times 1246_
Sign Times 1246_200511_309
59 minutes
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
Local Government Insights
190129_Crisis Intervention
8 minutes
Behind Curtain 4145_
Behind Curtain 4145_200413_Mabry Hazen 05
14 minutes
Sign of the Times
59 minutes
08:30:00 PM
The Producer 1705

6 minutes

09:00:00 PM
CODI 243_
CODI 243_200513
1 hour and 36 minutes
KMA 621_
KMA 621_200514_Through the Unusual Door Episode 3
26 minutes
CODI 243_
CODI 243_200513
1 hour and 36 minutes
09:30:00 PM
Scoop Day 4150

1 minute

CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
Aging Advan 957_
Aging Advan 957_200424_Senior Calls
11 minutes
10:00:00 PM
Zoo Knoxville 4134

52 seconds

10:30:00 PM
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
Scoop Day 4150

1 minute

CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
Scoop Day 4150

1 minute

11:00:00 PM
Beer Brd R 293_
Beer Brd R 293_200519
23 minutes
CTV Promo 1072_
CTV Promo 1072_200514_CTV Update
2 minutes
Beer Brd R 293_
Beer Brd R 293_200519
23 minutes
11:30:00 PM
Scoop Day 4150

1 minute

Scoop Day 4150

1 minute